Friday, 5 October 2012

A model crafter

I'm so excited to finally be able to share this project with you. It was a secret for such a long time! Commissioned by O2 for their monthly phones & tariffs guide, here are my fun card models to depict the different functions available on phones. Popcorn for films, headphones for music and a camera for, well, a camera!

Here is a quick snap shot of the finished items at home:

It's a really tough call as to which is my favourite but it might just be the satellite.

Here is the first test shot taken by the photographer:

And the finished product (the cover and internal spread of the phones & tariffs guide):

Probably one of my proudest work-related moments (that's not to do with my day job). And I'm working on a couple of similar projects again now. Will tell you more about that when I can.

Lu x


  1. Totally love these Lu - big kudos on the commission!
    My fave is the satellite too. Tip-top space geekery ;) Rx
