So it's finally happened. I've got myself a blog after a long, long time of putting off getting one because I just didn't think my life was exciting enough for others to want to read about. It probably still isn't. So I'm going to keep it simple for my first post and just share with you some lovely images relating to one of my favourite subjects - cake! Here is just a small selection of some of the cakes I have made over the last year or so.
Top row: Strawberry and white chocolate cupcakes made for The Flowerpot Gang television series, a rainbow cake for my friend's wedding, devils food cake with chocolate finger surround.
Bottom row: 6 layer milk and white chocolate extravaganza (also for the aforementioned wedding), strawberry cupcakes after icing, chocolate and strawberry cupcakes for a friend's birthday. Hmmmn a sense a strawberry theme...
That's it for my first post then. Hope to bring you more very soon from my world of cakes and makes.
Lu x